Tours and Activities for Routes to 1 Day (Full Day or by Hours)

City Tour Cartagena in the Afternoon

City Tour Cartagena in the Afternoon

Activities: Museums, monuments, Guided visits, Historical visits

Local Immersion in Bazurto Market "El Algarete"

Local Immersion in Bazurto Market "El Algarete"

Activities: Gastronomy, Cultural visits, Guided visits

Tour of the Modern and Ancient Cities

Tour of the Modern and Ancient Cities

Activities: Purchase of handicrafts, Other drinks tasting, Museums, monuments, Routes in other vehicles, Cultural visits, Guided visits

Visit to Santa Marta and History of the Caribbean Regions

Visit to Santa Marta and History of the Caribbean Regions

Activities: Cultural visits, Guided visits, Historical visits

Mangrove Fisherman's Route

Mangrove Fisherman's Route

Qty offer

Activities: Gastronomy, Natural areas visits, Cultural visits, Guided visits

Mangrove Fisherman Experience

Mangrove Fisherman Experience

Qty offer

Activities: Gastronomy, Natural areas visits, Cultural visits, Guided visits

From the Heroic to the Pearl of America: Santa Marta in One Day

From the Heroic to the Pearl of America: Santa Marta in One Day

Activities: Turistic bus, panoramic

Minca Natural and Extreme

Minca Natural and Extreme

Qty offer

Activities: Zipline, Hike, trekking, Rapel

Tour in the Mangroves in Bolívar

Tour in the Mangroves in Bolívar

Activities: Water activities, Purchase of handicrafts, Gastronomy, Natural areas visits, Bird watching, Flora, wildlife observation

Rent Your Boat and Be the Owner of Your Route 12 Pax

Rent Your Boat and Be the Owner of Your Route 12 Pax

Activities: Water activities, Boat rides

Rent Your Boat and Be the Owner of Your Route 23 Pax

Rent Your Boat and Be the Owner of Your Route 23 Pax

Activities: Water activities, Boat rides

Live A Beautiful Experience in Isla Palma

Live A Beautiful Experience in Isla Palma

Activities: Water activities, Jet ski

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